Help Jim Summey retire!
Donation protected
Hi! My name is Emily Summey and when I write all of this I speak on the behalf of myself, my sister Jennifer and, my brother John. If you know my dad Jim Summey you know there are a few things he holds to the highest importance…1. Following Jesus Christ 2. FAMILY 3. Giving back to his community and helping those in need. 4. Tractors/The Farm. We are humbly asking for your help for our father. If we could take care of it all ourselves we would never ask. Daddy has had a very successful life in ways but unfortunately those successes have come at the expense of his future, his retirement. Recently daddy had to sell one of those top 4 things I just named (his farm he has lived at and his parents built in 1933) to pay off debts he has accrued and to be able to build himself a very small barndominium to retire and live in. He has worked past the time he intended to retire. He is worn, he has some health issues, and he is drained. He cannot continue working as he has but simply does not have the full financial means to let it go. Daddy has never asked for help his entire life and doesn’t even want to do that now when he needs it more than ever. He doesn’t want anyone to look at him as a failure or to feel embarrassed. He is humble, kind, hard as can be when he has to be, giving, dedicated, courageous, accomplished, motivating, a leader, and most of all to us, an amazing father who has given his life to us and to others. I want to share a few accomplishments my dad has made to give you an idea of the length of time he has served the lord in various communities. My dad began preaching in 1974 at the age of 19. He was called to do this, he was meant for this. He worked hard, long hours traveling, preaching every Sunday and Wednesday, visiting shut ins, hospital visits, home visits, helped the less fortunate and led many lives to God. He studied and received his Dr. in theology in 1991. We remember him working so hard through this while still maintaining his church and family. He Co-founded West End Ministries in 1999. He has been the Executive Director of High Point Community Against Violence since 2003 (position he will currently retire from). He was a Co-recipient of the American Innovations in Crime reduction from Harvard University in 2010. He was an Expert Practicioner Facilty for John Jay College, Michigan State University, and American University from 2012 - 2017. He was the Recipient of the FBI Community Service Award in 2017. Moderator of the Central Baptist Association from 2000-2003. He also served as Institutional Chaplain Butner, NC Commissioned Chaplain of the US AF, chaplain at High Point Regional Hospital and has Pastored 3 Churches. Out of all of those accomplishments none of those are as important to him as the work he does on a daily basis helping to rehabilitate the lives of the lost, less fortunate, the people needing a 2nd, 3rd or more chance. Daddy has given COUNTLESS dollars of his own $ to help any and every one. He doesn’t want to be viewed as foolish for doing this. He has bought children’s Christmas and birthday gifts, pampers, formula, prescriptions, food for families-meals and groceries, rent money, etc to keep people off the streets and to lessen crime. He has stayed up all night countless nights with people losing loved ones, having breakdowns, talking people down. This man needs to retire. He will still continue to preach at English Road because it brings him joy to do so. We need your help to get him there. He needs peace. He needs and deserves rest and to stop struggling. Many of you would think our dad has had this all set up for himself. We wish and he wishes it were so but it is simply not. We don’t want him to suffer. Due to inflation the cost to build his small place has increased by $17,000 since this process started. He needs that much for sure but we are asking to raise $8,000 to help, more if we can. Anything you can do to help this wonderful man is more than appreciated. We can speak for daddy and say…he loves you. Daddy shows love to everyone, it’s time to show it to him too. Thank you so much!
Organizer and beneficiary
Emily Summey
High Point, NC
James Summey