Hi, my name is Emilie Gebara and I’ve created this go fund me page for my dad, Joe Gebara. My Dad is a real life Superman. He’s Dad, husband, hard worker, motivational speaker and the type of person that will stop whatever he’s doing to help anyone in need. Growing up he always stressed the importance of showing love always, laughing and making people laugh daily and also the importance of having faith in God and His plan for us all. Recently my hardworking, always energetic Dad became weak and started feeling ill. Test after test, doctor visit after doctor visit and we’ve arrived at the last thing our family wanted to hear. Yes, the C word. My Dad has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In the next 8 to 12 weeks he will be undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy to shrink the mass in the hopes of having surgery to remove it. We want him to focus on all that matters, and that is his health. We hope you can donate to this fund so that my Dad can focus on his health as the medical bills come in.
As he says during his presentation of The Greatest Salesman in the World…I will persist until I succeed…with your help we will all help him persist until he succeeds and defeats cancer. Thank you in advance.