Help José Ayala Continue to Fight For His Life
This is my dad, José Luis Ayala. He just turned 54 years old in January. He's a husband, father, brother, uncle, and grandfather. My dad has always been a very hard working man. He's a very happy, playful, active and caring person. He loves his family more than anything and would do anything for his family. He has always been a fighter and has never given up on anything.
In the early hours of December 24, 2020 my dad was rushed to the hospital because of a very strong pain in his stomach that he just couldn’t handle anymore. While at the hospital he was tested for COVID and it came back negative, thank God. After running tests on my dad, he was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. In three days it went from acute pancreatitis to necrotizing pancreatitis along with other complications.
In early January my dad was retested for COVID and unfortunately it came back positive. On January 20, 2021, he went into cardiac arrest due to pulmonary aspiration of gastric content and was resuscitated after 12 minutes. He suffered severe anoxic and hypoxic brain damage. Within that week he coded again, but this time he came back once the bed was dropped. He was not expected to live pass that week.
He’s on life support right now. He's in septic shock with multiple organ failure. He’s breathing with a ventilator, has dialysis, and is completely non responsive.
Please, we ask for your help. He was the only provider for the family. My stepmom is a stay at home parent, taking care of my little sisters. Whether he makes it out of this or not, they're on the brink of losing everything. My dad's income was keeping this family afloat.
Through this GoFundMe, we hope to cover bills for the next few months. This includes the mortgage, post hospital medical expenses, and general living expenses. His insurance is limited and we know he will need care for a long time. His future and my family's future is very uncertain right now which is very frightening.
My 2 little sisters have no idea of the severity of the situation. They keep asking when daddy is going to come home. It is unbelievably overwhelming to know that we will have to shatter the happiness they know. We want them to have some kind of stability by keeping up with the bills and trying to make everything else seem ok.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to us. Even if you aren't able to donate, thank you.