Help Joseph Camp recover after Coronavirus
As we all know Joseph Camp has had some bad breaks these past few weeks. You can read the article on Daily-tribune and I will post a link. Joseph was the first person to contract coronavirus in Georgia and according to him “the least likely to contract it” he has missed work of course, and at this time it’s still up in the air as to wether he has a home to return to and even if he does it may only be temporary due to the fact there is an infant living in the home. I wanted us to come together as a community as support one of our own Cass High Alumni’s to show our love and support for him or anyone else we can help. The Bible tells us to help one another and do good. So if we can just come together and help Joseph get back on his feet after he is able to return home, I am sure to him it would be greatly appreciated.
”And do not forget to do good and to share with ot-hers, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16