Help Joylie's Fight for a Joyful Life
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Francisco Medina I'm fundraising for my puppy Joylie who is only 2 months in the half for an Emergency Surgery. On June 15 2024 took Joylie to a regular check up in which I informed the vet that I have notice Joylie vomiting everytime after eating. Vet decided to get some x - ray to see what was going on with Joylie. Unfortunately the results that the vet had for us was not good. Joylie vet diagnosed her with persistent right aortic arch (PRAA). After hearing the results it took me back when I had to take Joylie with only 2 days after being born to the ER and I was told she only had 2 hours of life. Since she was born she has been fighter. Joylie is happy and joyful puppy who shows uncondition love. Unfortunately Joylie is needing an Emergency Surgery for her to keep living a joyful life. I'm asking for a donation due to not being able to afford the cost of surgery. Any donation is well appreciate it so Joylie can live a normal puppy life with joy and happiness.
Hola mi nombre es Francisco Medina estoy recaudando fondos para mi cachorrita Joylie que solo tiene 2 meses y medio para una Cirugía de Emergencia. El 15 de junio de 2024 llevé a Joylie a un chequeo regular en el que le informé al veterinario que había notado que Joylie vomitaba cada vez que comía. El veterinario decidió hacerle unas radiografías para ver qué le pasaba a Joylie. Lamentablemente los resultados que nos dio el veterinario no fueron buenos. El veterinario de Joylie le diagnosticó arco aórtico derecho persistente (PRAA) se arqueaba a la derecha de la tráque. Después de escuchar los resultados, recordé cuando tuve que llevar a Joylie a la sala de emergencias con solo 2 días de haber nacido y me dijeron que solo tenía 2 horas de vida. Desde que nació ha sido luchadora. Joylie es una cachorrita feliz y alegre que demuestra amor incondicional. Desafortunadamente, Joylie necesita una cirugía de emergencia para poder seguir viviendo una vida feliz. Pido donación por no poder afrontar el costo de la cirugía. Cualquier donación es muy apreciada para que Joylie pueda vivir una vida normal de cachorro con alegría y felicidad.
Francisco Medina
Riverhead, NY