Contribute to Jude Patton and her son
Hi all,
this page was set up as an emergency rescue fund for Jude and her son and a little dog. As we speak, they are all staying at a motel that has been booked till Saturday. Thanks to all who contributed to the funds for accommodation.
The funds raised on this page will go towards carrepairs so they can get around (and hopefully not need to buy as a backup for the nights in the event they do not find permanent housing). Funds will also be used to secure a more permanent place in the interim while the family gets back on their feet, also for food, necessities, etc.
Any support is greatly appreciated and thank you for your time and love. Jude’s personal story is below. Thank you for taking the time to read.
“My son and I became homeless after my husband of 12 years decided he no longer wanted to be married. He left us one day and I had no idea he was even unhappy. A week later he blindsided me with divorce papers. At the time, I was not working and he controlled everything. We were left with nothing. My son has suffered the most as he was the only dad he knew. His biological father died shortly after he was born. He is a great kid with a big heart and deserves so much better. He has sold his playstation, TV as well as I sold all my Photography equipment. I am a Photographer. My ex husband had my car repossesd and the car I currently have was a gift. I have a college degree and have always worked. My parents are both alcoholics and abusive so I have no contact with them.
We have been living in my car which has taken a toll on us mentally and I devoloped sciata ( lower back problems as well as swelling feet and legs from being in the car..
A couple nights ago an uninsured driver hit us after running a stop sign. My car has significant damage and is not drivable. The cost approximately will be between 800 and 1500 and I have been given a referall for a body shop. Of course since we have been living in it we have to have a place to stay while I wait to have the money to have it fixed plus while it is being fixed. We don’t want to end up on the street.
Shortly after my divorce I was assaulted while living in my car in an attempted rape. My son was present. The perpetrator was scared off by an onlooker who came to my rescue. I never sleep because I am always on the lookout.
I have been applying and interviewing for jobs and hopefully will get something soon. I have nothing and need all the help I can get. I am extremely grateful to this community and the generosity and kindness given to us. In this day and time it’s rare and I am truly blessed.
I understand that not everyone is in a position to help and thats ok. Your kind words, encouragement and prayers mean the world to us.
I am completely open and will answer any questions I can. Again, thank you so much!”