Help Judy through this heartbreaking time
Last month Rob came down with some cold like symptoms and was later confirmed Covid positive on November 22nd. His first trip to the ED was on November 27th for a suspected blood clot in his arm, turns out there was no clot. On November 30th, his oxygen levels dropped and made a trip back to the ED, he came back home on 2 liters of oxygen. At this time, never in a million years did we think it would end like this. Over the next couple days his oxygen demand continued to increase. On December 3rd Rob was admitted to the hospital because he could no longer maintain his oxygen levels at home. Fast forward to December 7th, Rob was transferred to ICU on high flow oxygen.
December 14th, this was a rough day.. Rob woke up having chest pain and his oxygen needs were higher than ever. He was found to have blood clots in both lungs as well as a pneumomediastinum. Later that night, rob was placed on a ventilator.
Over the next couple days, they were able to come down on his ventilator settings, but it was short lived. As his lungs stiffened, his respiratory team was forced to up his settings more and more. His doctors continued to tell us that he was a great candidate for ECMO, but he was unable to hold on.
Despite the constant prayers from everyone we know, on December 24th at 2:19 pm, Rob went home to be with Jesus surrounded by the ones that love him Our hearts are shattered, Rob is the most selfless, loving person that ever walked this earth, other than Jesus himself.
Rob was a happy, healthy, 52 year old with no preexisting conditions plus he was vaccinated. This wasn’t supposed to happen to him.
We have received many messages from friends and family asking what they can do for us, I created this to help relieve some of the financial burden placed on my mom, Judy over the last three weeks and the weeks to come.
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.