Help Julia in a time of crisis
My name is Julia, I’m a 21 year old trans woman. Since coming out to my family there have been many months of tension and abuse. Now after a falling out I’ve been kicked out with no job and nowhere to stay permanently.
My emergency is that I need to find a living situation quickly, my things and my cats are in my parents house and I don’t know how long my Dad will go before throwing my stuff out. I have $300 in my bank account and need to find a legitimate living situation to at least be able to move my stuff out and hopefully be reunited with my cats. I’ve also been threatened by my Dad with being removed from family insurance plans and being left with no health insurance or car insurance.
I left in a hurry with a couple changes of clothes and my hygeine essentials and luckily have friends that will shelter me temporarily. I can’t stay in my parents house and need to get my stuff out as soon as possible. Please help me to at least have the money to find some room to rent and have food to eat until I can get on my feet.
***I live in North Carolina around the cities of Charlotte/Concord/Davidson/Mooresville/etc if there’s anyone in the area that can offer me housing.