HELP JAY (Jun) IN MAUI!! マウイのジェイ(ジュン)さんとご家族への支援
Donation protected
Kaze Stargazing 星空観測のファンの皆さまへ。ガイドのジュンさんとご家族へのご支援を呼びかけています!数年前に星空観測に参加し、その後「夜ごとのハワイ」というサイトをジュンさんと展開していた、トノシマシホと申します。ジュンさんは今回のマウイ島の火災でラハイナのご自宅が全焼し、避難する際にもあまりにも時間がなく、着の身着のままでご自宅を出たため、何もかもを失ってしまわれました。あの素晴らしい星空や雲海の写真も焼失されたとのことです。当面住むところは確保されたとのことですが、9月からは未定。コロナで観光がダメになってやっとこれからまた、頑張ろうというときに、この火災に遭われました。あの個性豊かなジュンさんのご案内と、写真撮影のサポート、天体の説明、そして明るいトークは、皆さんの心に刻まれているかと思います。私もその一人です。無事を祈るだけでなく、実際にサポートできることはないかと思い、この募金を立ち上げました。ご賛同いただけましたら幸いです。お願いいたします。いただいたご寄付のうち2.9%がGoFundMeの手数料(プラス1件30セントの手数料)となり、97.1%をジュンさんに送金いたします。
発起人 戸ノ嶋志保
마우이의 산불은 준과 그의 가족의 집을 불태웠고 그들의 미래는 갑자기 불확실해졌습니다. 그는 Stargazing 투어와 아름다운 마우이 자연의 수천 장의 멋진 사진도 잃었습니다. 그들은 Covid 몇 년 동안 어려움을 겪었고 최근에 투어를 다시 시작했습니다. 그런 다음 이런 일이 일어났습니다. 많은 분들이 그와 그의 가족을 위해 기도하고 계실 것 같아서 이 모금 행사를 시작했습니다. 그들은 당신의 도움이 필요합니다. 여러분의 사랑을 나눠주세요.
지원해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Dear Kaze Stargazing Fans,
The wildfire in Maui burned down Jun and his family's home to the ground and their future turned uncertain all of a sudden. After 3,4 days of living in the car without any help, he finally could reach his house in Lahaina but there was no house. They lost everything. Picture above is his house now.
He runs the stargazing tour and during COVID, there was no customer. Tourists finally started coming back to Maui and he just re-started providing tours recently and this happened. He lost thousands and thousands of great pictures of Stargazing tours and beautiful Maui natures, too.
I believe many people are praying for him and his family, so I launched this fundraiser. They need your help. Please share your love. 2.9% of your donation (+30cents/donation) will go to GoFundMe as a fee and 97.1% will be transferred to Jay by me.
Thank you for your support.
Shiho Tonoshima / Organizer

Shiho Tonoshima
Astoria, NY