Help Kamal Sharma Fight Bile Duct Cancer
Help Required ASAP !
It’s very hard to believe that Kamal Sharma, a resident living in Irving, Texas, a very active social worker always involved for the welfare and betterment of Nepalese community in Dallas area, a very helpful and co-operative individual has gone through the most unexpected and most difficult time of his life. He is recently being diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer which is very rare and, in most cases, this type of cancer happens for the individuals over the age of 60 but he is just 40 years old. We came to know that he is referred to Houston MD Anderson Hospital for the treatment but the hospital is not accepting the insurance plan for this type of treatment. Kamal Sharma is the ONLY member of the family generating income for the family/household stuff. Unfortunately, the treatment process goes a very long time and it’s very difficult for the family to stand and breathe in this situation addressing the expenses of treatment and household. Thus, a humble request to all individuals to help as much you can to Sharma family in this unprecedented hardship.
Kamal Sharma currently lives in Irving, Texas. He is the husband of Sarita Sharma Acharya and a dad of two sons and a daughter. Please help him/his family. Share this to your family and friends so that they can help as well. Let’s get united and share our love and blessings to the Sharma family. Your small help marks a great impact to the family. Thank you all for your help in advance.