Help Kaspar get brain cancer treatment
Donation protected
My name is Selence (NIEN-TZU), and my partner, Kaspar, has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.
Kaspar and I have been together for four years, he is originally from Estonia, and I’m from Taiwan. We live together in Brisbane, Australia and have built our lives here. A few weeks ago, he was having trouble with his vision and went to the optometrist for a check-up, and he was immediately sent to the hospital to get further testing. They discovered a large tumour in his brain and advised he would have to undergo surgery to attempt to remove the tumour. On 4th May (one week later), he had the surgery; although they could remove most of the tumour, it was more difficult than expected. Kaspar had a tough recovery from surgery and was in ICU. He was having difficulty speaking at this stage, and the right side of his body wasn’t functioning, specifically his arm. Over the next couple of weeks, he improved significantly. However, he will remain partially blind forever.
Unfortunately, after the surgery, Kaspar also caught COVID and was transferred into isolation. This made it really difficult for his family and I as it was hard to communicate, and Kaspar couldn’t fully understand what was happening at this time and struggling with memory loss. Luckily, his symptoms of COVID were manageable, and he had a quick recovery. I also contracted COVID a couple of days later.
When I had recovered and was able to visit the hospital, we had a meeting with his doctor, who informed us that the biopsy of his tumour had confirmed our worst fears. He has stage 4 Glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. It is rare for someone as young as Kaspar to be given this diagnosis; we felt he was being given a death sentence. He is young, fit and healthy, and we never thought something like this would happen. The news has been shocking for his family and us, and we have been coming to terms with it slowly.
The doctor advises Kasper to return to Estonia to begin treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This has all happened so quickly, and we obviously were not prepared for a situation like this. Kaspar’s family and I want him to be able to focus on fighting his cancer, his treatment and his wellbeing, not the significant financial implications this has caused him. We would like to raise funds to safely get Kaspar and myself to Estonia so he can start his treatment and be in the best possible care.
Please help in any way you can; all donations and support give us hope of having Kaspar in our lives.
大家好,我是Selence,我來自台灣,今天要跟大家介紹的是我認識4年如同家人一般的伙伴Kaspar ,他是愛沙尼亞人,今年29歲。由於他近期總是覺得眼睛怪怪的,看不清楚,於是在Royal Woman hospital 進行了一連串的檢查,發現頭部長了巨大的腦瘤,5月4號在澳洲也已經緊急的開刀了,術後由於情況不穩住了加護病房,開完刀右半邊身體功能恢復不良,又加上術後言語表達障礙,不過幸好這一切隨著術後的恢復,都已經慢慢的改善,目前的狀況是右半邊的視野已經全盲。
很不幸運的在術後的幾天,他還被傳染了Covid ,醫院也立即轉到隔離病房,這對於家屬都是另一種額外的打擊,經過醫治,目前也已經出院回家休養了。
就在要出院的當天,主治醫師,與家屬海外連線,說明了Kaspar 的病理報告,醫生說他罹患了腦癌中最不樂見的癌,他罹患了Glioblastoma 膠質母細胞瘤 第4級,也就是癌症末期,最難治療、也最具攻擊性的癌!這病通常好發於50歲以上的老年人,生命瞬間像是被宣告了死刑,這突如其來的噩耗令誰都無法接受,怎麼就發生在一個年輕人身上。因為他是打工度假來到澳洲,目前雖然是學生簽,但是簽證七月就到期了!所以,醫生建議說目前的治療只能回到愛沙尼亞進行。猶如這突來的噩耗,許許多多事令人措手不及,也為了後續抗癌之路,想懇求並集結大家的愛心與力量,幫忙這麼一個年輕人,讓他能夠順利的買機票,繼續回去接受化療!抗癌之路很辛苦很不容易,祈求大家發揮愛心,幫助他在抗癌路上,能夠籌到後續的醫療費用!
Newstead, QLD