Help Kate & Michel for Wojtek's cancer treatment
Donation protected
I have known Kate 14 years, when she first came to work with me. We work in retail, and as I joined other brands, she has come with me. When Kate enters a room, her calming presence and pure heart enlightens the room. She is honestly a living angel. Kate supported me at a time in my life , when many were absent. She sat listened, and done yoga with me to help in my recovery. She's pure of heart and the most giving and thoughtful person I have ever had the pleasure to know.
Myself and Agnes together with Caitlin and her work colleagues, want to help her through this difficult time in her life. We want to ensure that she has no worries around expenses so she can put her energy into Wojtek and her other little boy Milosz . Her husband Michel is suffering with back injuries , and is unable to currently work . So as a family they are not financially able to cover the expenses , associated with travelling to and from Dublin . However they have many friends who are here to help them . So please help us , help them to get through this .
Wojtek was a miracle baby , as Kate struggled for 5 years to fall pregnant, due to high prolactin. So with Alternative medicine , she fell pregnant with Wojtek . Followed by Milosz a few years later.
From Agnes:
Z Kasia Palacz znamy sie juz ponad 14lat poznalysmy sie jeszcze za czasow jak Kasia i Michal mieszkali w Portlaoise. Kasia, Catherine i ja pracowalysmy w Laois Shopping Centre a dokladnie w Lifestyle Sports. Po jakims czasie nasze drogi sie rozeszly i kazda z nas zmienila miejsca pracy ale zawsze gdzies tam jednak kontakt zostal. Wielu z was moze w to nieuwierzyc ale po 14 latach znowu pracujemy razem Catherine Kasia i Ja, az trudno w to uwierzyc I rewelacyjnie bo mamy szanse wspierac Kasie I Michala w trudnym dla nich okresie . Ci ktorzy znaja Kasie osobiscie wiedza ze dziewczyna ma serce ze zlota, dziewczyna aniol zawsze usmiechnieta I twardo stapajaca po ziemi I
przede wszystkim skromna I utalentowana artystycznie. Kiedy uslyszalysmy diagnoze Wojtusia wiedzialysmy ze niemozemy siedziec bezczynnie i ze chcemy wspierac Kasie i jej Rodzine na ile jest to mozliwe dlatego zdecydowalysmy sie zalozyc Go fund me page. Bardzo was wszystkich prosze przekazcie nawet najmniejasza kwote jesli mozecie. Serdecznie dziekuje .
From Agnes:
Z Kasia Palacz znamy sie juz ponad 14lat poznalysmy sie jeszcze za czasow jak Kasia i Michal mieszkali w Portlaoise. Kasia, Catherine i ja pracowalysmy w Laois Shopping Centre a dokladnie w Lifestyle Sports. Po jakims czasie nasze drogi sie rozeszly i kazda z nas zmienila miejsca pracy ale zawsze gdzies tam jednak kontakt zostal. Wielu z was moze w to nieuwierzyc ale po 14 latach znowu pracujemy razem Catherine Kasia i Ja, az trudno w to uwierzyc I rewelacyjnie bo mamy szanse wspierac Kasie I Michala w trudnym dla nich okresie . Ci ktorzy znaja Kasie osobiscie wiedza ze dziewczyna ma serce ze zlota, dziewczyna aniol zawsze usmiechnieta I twardo stapajaca po ziemi I
przede wszystkim skromna I utalentowana artystycznie. Kiedy uslyszalysmy diagnoze Wojtusia wiedzialysmy ze niemozemy siedziec bezczynnie i ze chcemy wspierac Kasie i jej Rodzine na ile jest to mozliwe dlatego zdecydowalysmy sie zalozyc Go fund me page. Bardzo was wszystkich prosze przekazcie nawet najmniejasza kwote jesli mozecie. Serdecznie dziekuje .
Message from Kate:
"So in May this year I found a lump on the back of his head, we have been referred by GP to a Crumlin to see a specialists but had to wait on a waiting list. My intuition was telling me its not just a cyst, so I took him for a private ultrasound scan to Poland and it came out that was not a cyst but some tumour. Further tests of MRI and CT that were done in Ireland where Wojtek was born confirmed the predictions, so the there was a surgery and successful removal at Temple Street Hospital in Dublin, but still the laboratory tests had to be done to check what cells are in the tumour. It was found that it is synovial sarcoma which is a soft tissue cancer. Wojtek is having further tests for the spread of the cancer and doctors plan to do the radiotherapy in Ireland but due to high risk of long term side effects in young kids after the radiotherapy we are considering private treatment of protonotherapy outside of Ireland as it is not available here. The protonotherapy would remove any cells that are left in the body in that area after the surgery. We are supporting Wojtek with alternative medicine as well, seeing holistic specialist's, having treatments and getting herbs. This has great effect on his body and his mental state. Going through so many visits with doctors in a hospital environment, is stressful for Wojtek, seeing holistic specialists gives him more balance and encourages his body to heal. I will keep you updated on further plans. Thank you so much for any support. it will open more doors for us giving us hope for full recovery from cancer"
Update 12/11/2021 Kate:
We have been given the date for the PET CT scan at Blackrock Private Clinic: 17/11/2021. Wojtek is slowly getting used to the hospital visits, the oncology care is wonderful here. I am amazed how they listen and give the support.
Update 10/11/2021 Kate:
Great news! No sign of spread of the cancer cells to the lungs! When I got the message my legs melted.... but the journey did not finish here yet... Wojtek will have PET CT scan shortly that scans the whole body for cancer cells and this is being covered by the HSE.
Currently there is a lot of information transfer, we do not know yet which centre we would go to for the protonotherapy and we do not have an exact price for the treatments as it all depends on the further results. Three options of clinics are: UK, Czech Republic and Germany. The prices depend on how many treatments are needed. It would also depend on current COVID restrictions etc. Roughly the protonotherapy can cost 30000e - 60000e. We need more documentation to get exact estimation on the price in his case. There would be other additional costs like accommodation, flights, food and currently we are both unable to go to work. We act fast, no waiting! If any funds would be left unused, they will be transferred to CHILD CANCER related charity or fundraising.
I cannot say THANK YOU individually to each one of you cuz my hands and head are full. I am being overwhelmed and getting headaches so I need to make sure I have my quiet time as well each day. Checking the phone all day does not help, so I am avoiding doing that.
I am grateful for help of everyone who shared or transferred money to our fundraising. SUPERWOJTEK loves you all!!
Tomorrow we have important consultation with our oncology specialist! I breathe in and breathe out and I let go of any fear. Wojtek is a strong boy and we keep repeating this to him every day.
Update 12/11/2021 Kate:
We have been given the date for the PET CT scan at Blackrock Private Clinic: 17/11/2021. Wojtek is slowly getting used to the hospital visits, the oncology care is wonderful here. I am amazed how they listen and give the support.
Update 10/11/2021 Kate:
Great news! No sign of spread of the cancer cells to the lungs! When I got the message my legs melted.... but the journey did not finish here yet... Wojtek will have PET CT scan shortly that scans the whole body for cancer cells and this is being covered by the HSE.
Currently there is a lot of information transfer, we do not know yet which centre we would go to for the protonotherapy and we do not have an exact price for the treatments as it all depends on the further results. Three options of clinics are: UK, Czech Republic and Germany. The prices depend on how many treatments are needed. It would also depend on current COVID restrictions etc. Roughly the protonotherapy can cost 30000e - 60000e. We need more documentation to get exact estimation on the price in his case. There would be other additional costs like accommodation, flights, food and currently we are both unable to go to work. We act fast, no waiting! If any funds would be left unused, they will be transferred to CHILD CANCER related charity or fundraising.
I cannot say THANK YOU individually to each one of you cuz my hands and head are full. I am being overwhelmed and getting headaches so I need to make sure I have my quiet time as well each day. Checking the phone all day does not help, so I am avoiding doing that.
I am grateful for help of everyone who shared or transferred money to our fundraising. SUPERWOJTEK loves you all!!
Tomorrow we have important consultation with our oncology specialist! I breathe in and breathe out and I let go of any fear. Wojtek is a strong boy and we keep repeating this to him every day.

Catherine Hearns Agnieszka Wieszczak
County Kildare, Kildare