Help Kedem and his family get through cancer
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Kedem Sunrise Weisberg is a 9-year-old boy recently diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer. His family needs our help to get through this difficult time.
קדם סאנרייז וייסברג הוא ילד בן 9 שאובחן לאחרונה עם סרטן מוח אגרסיבי ומתקדם. משפחתו
זקוקה לעזרתנו בתקופה הקרובה
ישראלים שמעדיפים לתרום דרך פייבוקס יכולים דרך הקישור
Kedem Sunrise Weisberg is the 9-year-old son of our dear friends, Shoshana and Reuven Weisberg. He is a sweet, funny, and amazingly smart third-grader with shining eyes and an impish grin.
On January 29, 2023, Kedem was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of medulloblastoma, a malignant and life-threatening pediatric brain cancer.
Kedem’s cancer, though only recently diagnosed, is already considered late-stage, having metastasized significantly throughout his entire brain and spinal cord.
Update 2/20: Kedem has been responding to treatments and was recently released to outpatient care at home, but must return every weekday morning for chemo and radiation treatments at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel. Returning to the hospital for half-time care will likely be necessary in the coming weeks.
Kedem had begun experiencing painful and confusing symptoms in the weeks prior to his hospitalization, including headaches, nausea, vision problems, and severe dizziness. It soon became clear that the source of his symptoms was in fact an aggressive, malignant brain tumor. Since then, his symptoms have worsened and continue to become increasingly complicated.
Upon receiving this devastating diagnosis, Kedem was immediately admitted to the PICU. In the first week following diagnosis, he underwent two small brain surgeries followed by a procedure for retrieving bone marrow stem cells, which will likely be needed for future treatment.
Kedem has now begun an intense six-week period of daily chemotherapy coupled with high-dose craniospinal photon radiation. If all goes well, this intensive six-week course of treatment will likely be followed by another brain surgery and additional sixth-month period of high-dose chemotherapy. These extreme doses of radiation and chemotherapy mean that Kedem will inevitably face significant side effects for the rest of his life, yet they are nevertheless overwhelmingly necessary given the aggressive nature of his cancer.
Kedem Sunrise and the Weisberg Family
Kedem is an incredibly sweet, uniquely curious, and fiercely bright boy who is adored by all who know him. He loves playing the drums, reading comics, playing Minecraft, Pokemon, Star Wars, Harry Potter, playing with legos, reading books, hearing Ba’al Shem Tov stories, doing mad libs, learning new things, joking around, and being with his family and friends.
His parents, Shosh and Reuven, are veteran immigrants (olim) in Israel and pillars of the Pardes Hanna community. They are both beloved educators: Shosh, as a lecturer and teacher of organic gardening and youth education; and Reuven, as a guide and teacher for Israel tour groups. They are extraordinarily warm, kind, and hardworking people, and their three children—Shemaiah, Kedem, and Tiferet—are well-known and well-loved within their community and beyond.
The Weisbergs are an incredibly strong family blessed with a wonderful network of friends and loved ones, very much a testament to their own loving, generous hearts. They luckily have some relatives in Israel, yet their parents and most of their immediate/extended families live in the United States.
Current Challenges
The ongoing emotional and logistic difficulty of this life-altering experience is enormous and far-reaching. Israel thankfully has universal healthcare, which means that Kedem’s essential hospital costs are covered. However, Israel also has one of the highest cost-of-living rates in the world and the Weisberg family faces many additional, overwhelming expenses—including both medical (in terms of supplemental treatments, therapies, current care, and post-treatment care) and personal (in terms of managing their current reality and shouldering everyday living costs as a family of five).
Shosh and Reuven are currently completely immersed in Kedem’s treatment journey (including long-term hospitalization, complicated medical decisions, and intensive treatments) and in caring for their other two children at home. As such, they have each taken leave from work so that they can focus on their family. For the time being, Shosh and Reuven spend their days running between the hospital in Haifa and their home in Pardes Hanna in an attempt to juggle the logistical and emotional elements of their current situation.
This challenging financial reality is compounded by the still-unknown extent of Kedem’s treatment and expected future medical condition.
Rambam Medical Center is an hour’s drive away from the Weisbergs’ home in Pardes Hanna, where Shosh and Reuven’s other two children are in kindergarten and 5th grade. With at least one parent at Kedem’s side 24/7, a significant part of our efforts is focused on enabling the other two kids to continue their lives with as little disruption as possible, while also taking into consideration all additional expenses related to Kedem’s current treatment protocol and expected future medical condition.
Given the fast-moving and extensive nature of Kedem’s disease, we don’t yet have a full picture of all the funds that will be needed to support him and his family throughout this time. However, we are currently doing a sweep of all potential needs—current and future—and allowing the picture to crystalize day by day. We will update this campaign any time: 1) a necessary expense becomes clearer; 2) an existing need becomes irrelevant; or 3) something new needs to be added.
All funds will be given directly to the family and allocated for the following items:
- Loss of salary—both parents are currently on leave from work for the foreseeable future in order to allow for at least one parent to be with Kedem for his weekly hospital treatment visits while the other parent is in Pardes Hanna caring for their other two children; they are also overwhelmed with the logistical management of their situation, which leaves them no time at all for anything other than dealing with their current reality. Once Kedem’s situation has stabilized, one parent will likely return to work, but another parent will remain on leave for an undetermined period of time in order to continue caring for Kedem and managing the logistical elements of their life.
- House modification, including an added loft, closet, and other upcoming renovation projects to accommodate the needs of Kedem and family.
- Alternative/supplemental treatments for Kedem—while basic hospital and treatment costs are covered by Israel’s universal healthcare plan, Kedem requires/will require a number of additional treatments that the Weisbergs must pay for out-of-pocket, including: second opinions, alternative therapies to offset side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, emotional therapy, physical therapy, and significant aftercare.
- An inexpensive second family car—an essential need that will allow the parents to travel back and forth to the hospital while also caring for their other children; it will also become even more necessary post-treatment when Kedem requires specialized care.
- Fuel/parking costs to and from hospital—Rambam Medical Center is an hour away from the Weisbergs’ home in Pardes Hanna, making both fuel and parking a significant expense that they must shoulder daily.
- Local apartment rental—having a local apartment nearby to the hospital will allow the family to be together on weekends (they do not drive on Shabbat) and will also give Kedem’s siblings an opportunity to visit with him.
- Mental health care for the entire family—all five Weisbergs have been significantly impacted by Kedem’s devastating diagnosis; it would be beneficial for each of them to receive emotional therapy to help them deal with their new, ever-changing reality.
- Private tutor—since Kedem is facing a projected 6-8 months of chemotherapy, he will be unable to return to school for at least the remainder of this year; a private tutor at the hospital will allow him to continue with his schooling.
- School aide—when his treatment protocol is over, Kedem will hopefully return to school; however, he will require an individual aide to help him in class due to the effects of his treatment.
- Living expenses—including groceries, bills, house cleaning, school tuition for all three kids, home mortgage payments, etc.
- Nanny for Tiferet and Shemaiah—since both parents are by Kedem’s side throughout the day, they are currently relying on neighbors and friends to drive their children to and from school and be with them in the afternoons until one parent can return home. It would be beneficial to hire a nanny to be with Tiferet and Shemaiah during this time so that they can be at home in the afternoons rather than at different people’s homes every day, thereby maintaining a sense of home normalcy and consistency.
- After-school programming—due to Kedem’s situation, Tiferet is now registered for her kindergarten’s after-school program, allowing her to finish the day at 4pm instead of 2pm and experience some consistency and less upheaval in her daily life.
- Miscellaneous / unknowns—TBD and added as details become clear.
God willing, any surplus funds will be donated to fund childhood cancer research.
Thank you so much for your help and may we hear positive news soon!
Praying that Kedem and all other sufferers of this terrible disease have a quick and painless recovery.
Kedem Sunrise ben Shoshana Tsiporah
קדם סאנרייז בן שושנה ציפורה
Fundraising team (4)
Josh.Lev Genuth Chajes
Wayne, NJ
Shoshana Weisberg
Advah lauffer
Team member
Joshua Genuth
Team member
Shira Jacobson
Team member