Help Keep Us Against Media Going!
We are here to bring facts on Conservative Views and News in Lansing, Michigan and our immediate surrounding areas.
With so many liberal and left media outlets here in Michigan, that continue to spread false news and perpetuate the leftist agenda, Us Against Media started out as a petition to hold those mainstream media outlets accountable for violation of FCC Rule: Broadcasting False Information
After the original website was hacked/taken down, I worked on building the new website here UsAgainstMedia which not only includes the petition, but also original news, reports and research on bad bills here in Michigan.
We started attending House Oversight Committee Hearings weekly and researching what bills were going before the Michigan House.
Bills We Covered
We also uncovered the huge sandal surrounding Michigan Unemployment conducting business with a Multi-National Fraud Ring, in which I wrote a series of articles on:
Deloitte Multi National Fraud Ring and Michigan Unemployment
Also going face to face with politicians when they do not stand up for the people of Michigan.
Click Following Links To See Video:
Representative Dave Lagrand 75th district
Representative Gary Howell 82nd district
Representative Cynthia Johnson 5th district
Everything so far has come from my own personal finances and they are starting to run low...
Website Hosting and Maintenance
Equipment like Cameras and Microphones
Editing Software and Computers
Travel Expenses to Events
Time Vested - Gathering Content, Production and Marketing
We hope to grow and expand personnel, as well as addition equipment needed.
Please, we need your help to continue our fight for freedom! We cannot possibly continue this without your support.
We are extremely passionate about our country and love what we do!