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Help Keesha while she fights cancer!

Spende geschützt
Hi my name is Kaipo Stant. I am fundraising for my sister Keesha Washington. If you know Keesha, then you know what a sweet person and soul she is. Always looking out for others and being selfless. Well... Keesha has been going through a lot of pain that has been diagnosed as Cancer. We don't know the prognosis yet. She is in the early stages of treatment. She has missed many days of work from being ill and in the hospital. I am pleading with those of you that know her and even those of you who haven't gotten to meet her yet. She is in need of some financial assistance while she is in ongoing treatment. Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated. Most of all she needs all of the prayers she can receive. Mahalo from our family to yours!


  • Stephanie Hill-Harris
    • 100 $
    • 11 Mo
  • Brooke Watson
    • 60 $
    • 11 Mo
  • Brad Baskett
    • 20 $
    • 1 Jahr
  • Asha Bailey
    • 50 $
    • 1 Jahr
  • Veronica G Rivera-Pineda
    • 200 $
    • 1 Jahr

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kaipo Stant
Tacoma, WA
Kesha Washington

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