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Help Kelsey and Her Family With Medical Bills ❤️

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Yesterday in Walmart I asked a lady to help me wrap a present for me for the holidays. She immediately helped me wrap a present but I sensed something was wrong. After this, I surprised her for her kindness and said, “the gift is actually for you!”. She was taken aback when she learned it was $1,000. She immediately broke down in tears and explained how her baby boy, Hudson, was struggling in the ICU with complications from a heart condition he’s had since his birth in March. At birth, he was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a severe congenital heart defect. Despite undergoing a major open heart surgery and multiple catheter procedures and stents he needed additional surgeries and was building up fluid in his chest.

After we prayed together, Kelsey received news from her husband she had to go back to the hospital after a quick break with her friend. Her and her husband are currently juggling taking care of their toddler, working, and living apart so Kelsey can be with Hudson in the hospital full time. Let's help them cover the financial burden of medical bills, travel expenses for her family, and daily living expenses. Kelsey gave up work as a photographer to be with Hudson so this is a hard time financially for her family.

This story broke my heart and at the same time, I felt blessed we were able to help her and pray for her in Walmart. Kelsey is an amazing mom and is an angel. I say we come together and help lift her family up in this time of need.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jimmy Darts
Nashville-Davidson, TN
Kelsey Hartman

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