ህጹጽ ሓገዝ ንስነ ጥበበኛ ኪዳነ ሰለሞን (Help Kidane Solomon)
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ህይወት ንምድሓን ሓገዝኩም ንሓትት
ኣቦ 4ተ ቈልዑ ኪዳነ ሰሎሙን ኣብ ዕዋነት ወረዳ ሓደግቲ ተወሊዱ፡ ኣብ ቤት ትምህርቲ ሰውራ ዓራርብ ናይ መባእታ ትምህርቱ ጀሚሩ። ድሕሪ 1991 ድማ ኣብ ሰገነይቲ ትምህርቱ ቀጺሉ። ኪዳነ ካብ 1998 ክሳብ 2005 ካብ ሰራዊት ክሳብ ዝፋኖ ኣባል ክፍለሰራዊ 525 ኮይኑ እዩ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎቱ ፈጺሙ።
ኪዳነ፡ ከምዚ ሕጂ ዓራት ከይሓዘ፡ ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ናይ ስነ-ጥበባውን ኢደ ጥበባውን ስራሓት ዝነጥፍ፡ ብዝያዳ ከኣ ኣብ ቅብኣን ቅርጻን ኣብ ብዙሓት ናይ ዞባን ግንባርን ውድድራት ተሳቲፉ ብዙሓት ዓበይቲ ሽልማታት ክዕወት ዝበቐዐ ገዚፍ ራኢን ተስፋን ዝነበሮ ስነጥበባዊ እዩ።
ሕማቕ ኣጋጣሚ ኮይኑ ግን፡ ኪዳነ ቀጻሊ እናገደደ ዝኸይድ ዝነበረ ሕማሙ እንታይ ምዃኑ ከይተፈልጠ ንኣስታት 15 ዓመታት ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ፡ ኣብ 2018 “ኢንፊዝምያ” ብዝብሃል ሓደገኛ ናይ ሳንቡእ ሕማም ከም ዝተጠቕዐ ተፈሊጡ። ብቕጽበት ንወጻኢ ከይዱ ሕክምና ክገብር'ውን ተፈቒዱሉ። ይኹን ደኣ እምበር፡ ኣብ ወጻኢ ንምሕካም ዘድልዮ ገንዘብ ካብ ዓቕሙን ዓቕሚ ቤተሰቡን ንላዕሊ ስለ ዝዀነ፡ ካብ ሃገር ናብ ሃገር ክጓዓዘሉ ዝኽእል ኦክስጂን እውን ኣብ ግዚኡ ስለ ዘይነበሮ፡ ኣብ እዋኑ ቀልጢፉ ንወጻኢ ክኸይድ ኣይከኣለን። ክሳብ ግቡእ ሕክምና ዝረክብ ኣብ ትሕቲ ናይ ኦክስጅን ሓገዝ ምስትንፋስ ክጸንሕ ስለ ዝተነገሮ ድማ፡ ካብ ስድራቤቱ፡ ፈለጥቱን ኣዕሩኽቱን ክረኽቦ ብዝጸነሐ ገንዘባዊ ደገፍ፡ ኦክስጅን ብምግዛእ ን24 ሰዓታት ኣብ ትሕቲ ናይ ኦክስጅን ሓገዝ ይነብር ኣሎ።
ኪዳነ ጥዕንኡ ካብ ዝኸፈአ ናብ ዝበኣሰ ስለ ዝማዕበለ፡ ፍጹም ተኻኢሉ ውዕል ዓዲ ኮይኑ ካብ ዓራት ናብ ሽንቲ ቤት እኳ ንጋዶ ኮይኑ ይርከብ። ዝኸበርኩምን ዝኸበርክንን፡ እምበኣር ኪዳነ ነዞም ዕምባባ ደቁን በዓልቲ ቤቱን ከየዘኽትሞም ናብ ሃገረ ህንዲ ከይዱ ንኽሕከም፡ ኣብ ትሕቲ ኣምላኽ ብሓገዝ ናይ ህዝብን ሓካይምን ህይወቱ ካብ ሞት ንምትራፍ ዓቕምና ዘፍቅዶ ናይ ኩልና ሓገዝ ይሓትት ኣሎ። ስለዚ “ስለ ነብሲ” እናበልና ልመናና ናባኹም ነቕርብ ኣለና'ሞ፡ “ንዝሃብኩሞ ኣብዚሑ ይሃብኩም።” ንብል።
ንትገብሩዎ ገንዘባዊ ሓገዝ ኣቐዲምና ነመስግነኩም፡ ክብረት ይሃበልና።
ስድራ ቤት ኪዳነ ሰለሞን
እቶም ብGofundme ክትከፍሉ ዘይትኽእሉ ድማ ነዞም ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘለዉ ሰባት ብምውካስ ኣብ ከባቢኹም ክቕበልኹም ዝኽእል ሰባት ክህብኹም ክትውከስዎም ከም እትኽእሉ ክንሕብረኩም ንፈቱ።
ፍረዝጊ ሃይሉ 0018573120507 ኣብ ኣመሪካ
ምሕረታብ ህብታይ 0012045585159 ኣብ ካናዳ
በርሀ ገብራይ(ባሪ) 00972548851499 ኣብ እስራኤል
ቤተልሄም ዮሴፍ 00447506378259 ኣብ ኤውሮጳ
We urgently call for your support to save Kidane’s life
Kidane Solomon, father of four, was born in Ewanet, Wereda Hadegti and began his primary education at Ararb Revolutionary School. After 1991, he continued his education in Segeneiti. Kidane served his National Service as a member of the 525th Division since 1998 until he was discharged in 2005.
Kidane, before he became bed ridden, was heavily involved in various arts and crafts, especially in painting and sculpture. He participated in many regional and national competitions and won many major awards.
Unfortunately, after suffering from an unknown cause for nearly 15 years, in 2018 Kidane was diagnosed with a serious lung disease called “Enphysemia”. He was immediately allowed to go abroad for treatment. However, he could not go abroad quickly because the cost of treatment abroad was beyond his and his family's means and he did not have portable oxygen equipment that could enable him to travel from country to country. He has been told by doctors to remain on oxygen until he receives proper treatment. As a result, he is using portable oxygen 24 hours a day with the financial support he has been receiving from family members, acquaintances and friends.
Kidane's health has deteriorated from wors to worst - to the level in which he is unable to care for himself. Dear brothers and sisters, Kidane is desperately asking for help from all of us to save his life. We are urging you to save his life so that his four young Children will not be orphaned and his wife is not widowed at her young age.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are making our plea to you to donate any amount you could donate so that he can go to India for urgent treatment. We believe that Kidane’s life will be saved under the mercy of God with your prayer and financial support as well as with the doctors’ professional support.
May God give you more for what you have given.
We thank you in advance for all your support.
Family members of Kidane Solomon
For those who may not be able to pay via Gofundme, please contact any of the below mentioned contacts to get your local representative contact details.
Frezghi Hailu 0018573120507 USA
Mhreteab Hbtay 0012045585159 Canada
Berhe Ghebray (Bari) 00972548851499 Israel
Bethlehem Yosief 00447506378259 Europe
Abiy Gebremeskel
Norcross, GA