Help children return to school in Uganda
Tax deductible
In Uganda, schools have been closed since March 2020, and many students have spent almost two years at home without any structured learning. Education is the future for Ugandan kids and their families, and for those without access to distance learning, the future feels dark. Kele Global is a non-profit organization that supports children and youth in Uganda to reach their full potential through sports and education. Right now, nearly 100 vulnerable children aged 3-18, all of whom participate in Kele Global’s sports club in Naguru, Kampala area, are preparing to go back to school in January. Their families have suffered economically under lockdown and are struggling to cover their children’s basic expenses.
With only a $5 donation this Christmas, you can provide a child with a set of basic school supplies in preparation for the return to school. Offer more, and you can support additional activities: Kele Global is organizing community cleanup drives, remedial literacy classes for children who need them, and weekly sports programs for all participants with a focus on building children’s holistic skills.
At Kele Global, your donation goes directly to children in need. Thank you for your support!
Hashem Mekki
Takoma Park, MD
Kele Global