Help Kim Holcomb’s Open Heart Surgery Medical Cost
Hi there! My Name is Rebekah and I am a daughter of Chris and Kim. I wanted to set this up for them to help alleviate some of the medical costs for this very big surgery.
Monday July 19th, 2021, Kim went in to the hospital for a routine procedure to get a stint put in her heart through a vein in her arm. When the doctors actually got in there, they saw extensively more damage than they anticipated. Things quickly got escalated to needing open heart surgery. This was very out of the blue as no one was expecting for her to need such a severe surgery.
If anyone has met my parents, they’ve been met with their generosity at some point in the relationship with them. They have been the best example of that ever since I can remember. So now I’m asking for your help and generosity for them. Anything helps and I know they will appreciate all of it so much.