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Help Kita and Vienna

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Hi my name's Demi, let me tell you Kitas storey and why we are trying to raise money.
Kita got diagnosed with breast cancer back last year when her beautiful little Vienna was just 2 months old, this was a devastating blow for Kita and her family, but she threw everything she had into it and took every treatment that was offered to her Kita underwent major surgery one of the biggest operations the NHS have to offer, after that Kita went to London for ten weeks and had to stay there for Therapy every day in the hope she would the be cancer free... Kita returned home from London and all was well she had tests she was on the mend the cancer was gone the nightmare was over for them all, however Kita went for a CT scan last week which shortly after come the deverstaing news, Kitas cancer has come back this time in her lungs, unfortunately at this point there is no cure and there is nothing they can do, kita has been advised with no treatment she will have 6 months left however with chemotherapy she is now looking to have 16 months left with us, with everything I have in me I pray longer.
So I'm just asking if anyone is able to give just a little to help Kita to go and enjoy life and make as many special memories and trips she can with Vienne while she's still able to without the extra stress of money.
Any little would be massively appreciated

Thank you so much for reading we appreciate you all ..

Lots of love dem x


Demi Williams

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