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Help Kopey pay his bills after his crash!

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Hello Friends,

We would like to reach out to all family and friends to help our friend Dan Kopey. If you know Dan “Kopey Kope” personally you know that he would give his last dollar, his shirt, and a smile to help a friend or stranger. We have all seen him do it. Let’s all please help our friend our boy Kopey Kope for once! Please donate to help Kopey get over the hump while he recovers from his motorcycle accident. He would do it for you! He is a 1099 contractor and obviously is far too injured to work after his accident. So any contribution to help with medical bills, lost work will help him mentally and physically recover during this unfortunate time. He has a long road ahead to heal from his multiple injuries that nearly took this amazing person from us. Anything we can raise to help get Kope to the finish line will mean the world him and his family. We all love this guy! Let’s show him how much by helping him get to the light at the end of tunnel! Thank you all


The friends and family of the best person we know!

For Kope!!!!!


James Langan
Spring City, PA

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