Help Kota and Coleen Pay Baba's Vet Bills
Donation protected
日本語版が後に続きます/Japanese version to follow
Hello, my name is Kota Kimura. My wife Coleen and I desperately need your help in paying for the vet bills we incurred after our dog Baba got hit by a truck on December 16, 2022.
I work part time as a Japanese language teacher and Coleen works full time at a call center. We are relatively new to pet parenting since we adopted our cat Jiji in 2020.
We met Baba in June 2022 when he was 3 months old. He is a very energetic and social dog who loves to greet people and play with other dogs in our neighborhood, and has been an integral member of our family since. He also loves to play with Jiji and they have been great siblings to each other.
In the last couple of weeks, in order to increase Baba's physical activity and improve his mental health, we have been letting him play off leash in a park across the street from our apartment, which has become a de facto dog park for dog owners in the neighborhood because of its pit-like geography and relative insulation from the busy street nearby.
I usually take him there during the day while Coleen works from home to play fetch or have him play with other dogs, but yesterday both of us were present there during her lunch break. Coleen left after a few minutes, but because Baba reacted strongly to her departure, I put him back on leash and waited until Coleen was out of sight. Assuming he had calmed down, I proceeded to put him off leash again and throw a stick to play fetch with him. However, after he picked up the stick, he unexpectedly ran off towards our apartment across the street (perhaps wanting to show Coleen the stick) and got hit by a pick-up truck while he was crossing the street.
While I was in shock and confusion as Baba was, a very kind passer-by offered to drive us to a nearby veterinary clinic and he was able to receive the initial treatment there. The vets saw that Baba was having difficulty breathing due to excess air in his chest, and referred us to another emergency clinic that is more equipped to treat the problem and perform further check-ups.
Fortunately, the vets in the second clinic were able to tap the excess air out of his chest without a more complicated procedure, and also determined that no surgery is required in other parts of the body. They are monitoring him for the rest of this weekend and if all goes well he should be able to come home by Monday at the latest.
However, the final vet bills combined could cost us up to CAD$5000 (plus 19% interest rate per month on Coleen's credit card). Because only one of us is fully employed and we live in one of the most expensive cities in North America, we are worried that we are not going to be able to pay it off in a timely manner and become further indebted or worse cannot afford the other living expenses.
Since Baba is still in the hospital, we don’t have the final invoice yet, but we will update everyone here once we have it. Our visit to the first clinic came to CAD$500 and the deposit for the second clinic came to CAD$4600, but if the final bill is lower than the deposit they will refund the difference.
Baba is the first (baby) dog we ever owned. Raising him has been quite a challenge and this is one of the moments in which we learned the hard way the cost of underestimating his youthful energy. While we take full responsibility for our negligence and do not blame the driver of the truck, we could not simply let Baba die after only 8-9 months on this earth. I know the times are tough for many people with the rising cost of living, but it would mean a lot if you could help us with this difficult journey and Baba's recovery from the traumatic event. Even a little bit would go a long way in getting us back on our feet.
Thank you so much for reading this and your consideration.
Kota & Coleen
しばらくしてコリーンが見えなくなり、ババが落ち着いた様子を見せたので、私はまた首輪のひもをはずして、近くの枝をなげて取りに行かせる遊びをはじめようとしました。しかし、枝を取りに行ったのはいいものの、ババはそれを口にくわえたまま (コリーンのその枝を見せたかったのか) 私の意図とは反対にコリーンが歩いて行った私達のアパート方向に突っ走り、道路を横断しようとしたときに走ってきたトラックに轢かれてしまいました。
木村孝太 & コリーン・タブアン
Co-organizers (2)
Kota Kimura
Toronto, ON
Coleen Tabuan
Team member