Help KQ Equip a Vital Spay and Neuter Clinic for Pittsburgh!
Tax deductible
Hi! My name is Christa and I am the Founder/Director of Kitty Queen Cat Rescue, a cat rescue, lounge, and adoption center located in Pittsburgh, PA. For the past 8 years, KQ has worked tirelessly to help cats (both local and from locations across the US and even from other countries!) find their forever homes.
We have been lucky enough to secure the space that is currently next to our Cat Lounge (on McKnight Rd), which we will be turning into a low-cost spay/neuter clinic. This is a service severely needed in the area! The space is finally ready and now we need to raise funds in order to buy the equipment to outfit the clinic with.
This fundraiser will help ensure that Kitty Queen can continue to serve the community and provide a low-cost option for spays/neuters for community/feral cats along with family kitties.

Christa Riesett Amari
Pittsburgh, PA
Kitty Queen Cat Rescue Inc