Help Krave Coffee Recover from the Flood and Fire
Hi, my name is Leanne Robinson and I’m fundraising for the employees and owner of Krave Coffee, Calay Hall. On Friday, July 9th, they had to close due to a flood caused by one of her landlords contractors accidentally breaking a radiator pipe above Krave, that caused all the radiator water from the whole building to come through the ceiling. Then on July 13th an arsonist lit fire to her landlords construction debris, that was beside the patio, that then burnt down a potion of the patio. The fire also blew out two windows which resulted in massive smoke damage and additional water damage inside. The entire shop needs to be gutted. Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover employees wages and some of Krave’s contents. I’m hoping we can fundraiser some money to help Krave’s employees and to help out Calay to cover some costs to help her rebuild.