Help Krystal Norman save cuzzy’s cafe
Kia Ora everyone,
I am reaching out to you all to help my
beautiful Friend save hers and her babies
Krystal Norman is the owner of
cuzzy’s cafe located in Zillmere Brisbane,
This beautiful Woman is a single mother of 7 with no immediate
family here to support her and children,
Her and her babies haven’t had it easy life’s
been pretty rough for them, before opening
cuzzy’s cafe Krystal and her babies were In a
woman’s refuge, but being the fighter she is
she fought so hard and
never let any obstacles get in the way of
creating a life for her & her babies and by
doing so she took a huge risk by putting all the
money she had into securing the spot and
opening cuzzy’s cafe not knowing what could happen.
Krystal has a heart of gold she would be the
first person to give the
clothes on her back, The last $20 in her
pocket Or a place to sleep if you ever needed,
she even does everything she can to
support families who struggle to feed there
own through her cafe, And is always looking
for ways to help people in need as well as
small businesses in need.
she opens her doors as well as her heart for
anyone with no hesitations and
since the day I met Krystal she has always
been the giver not the receiver.
As we are all aware 2020 has been by far the most difficult year to date due to the covid 19 pandemic especially for small business ownersKrystal being one of them was forced to close shop and ever since business hasn’t been the
same For cuzzy’s it has taken a toll on the cafe
financially and because of that Krystal
received a heartbreaking phone call from the
realestate with no understanding what so
ever ordering her to pay the rent arrears of
$7000 by Tuesday or they will be evicting
her and cuzzy’s cafe will be
closed down.
I am asking you all kindly to reach into your
pockets and support a kiwi owned business
but most importantly to support a single
mother and her beautiful 7 babies secure
there future,
Any donations would be much appreciated
even if it’s $1
Bank details for donations are..
Name: Krystal Norman
BSB: 064-471
ACC#: 10486882
NGA MIHI ❤️❤️❤️
cheyenne Joyce