Help Kyle Ramsey with legal fees
Hello Everyone!
I would like to start this out by saying our father Kyle Ramsey, his family and friends are overwhelmed by the support the community has shown not only for Kyle but also for the Mister Money establishment. Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude!! Many of you have been asking for a GoFundMe page to donate to, to help with my father's legal fee's, so as requested we have started this for him.
For those that do not know, back in June Mister Money was held up at gun point. m
My father, including two others where the victims that had to endure this tragic event that took place. The robber had been on quite a robbing spree that last 36 hours holding up four different stores before he entered Mister Money to then rob them. My father, Kyle Ramsey, a licensed trained shooter with a conceal to carry, ended up running out the store to mark the car that the individual was trying to get away in. Without my father marking that car that day, it is very unlikely that police would of found the robber as quickly as they did. (Remember, he had been on a robbing spree for 36 hours and hadn't been caught). All my father was trying to do was mark the car, so the cops could find him and get him off of the streets. It is very apparent that the robber was on a mission and wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied, or worse someone or himself would of ended up wounded or worse. To our family and to many of you, our father Kyle Ramsey should be looked at as a hero!!
BUT..... as many of you know our father is now being charged with reckless endangerment. The VICTIM is being charged. The donations that are received will all go to Kyle's legal and court fees. In which it is a shame that it has even had to come to this.
Again, we want to thank everyone for the outpouring support, prayers, and encouraging comments!!! I love how we as a community can come together and stand behind a situation that we know is unjust!