Help Larry “Blair” Reeves Fight Stage 3 Cancer
In December 2020, Larry discovered a lump in his armpit. He sought medical attention, and after a visit to the ER, a biopsy, and subsequent doctors appointments, a diagnosis was confirmed: Larry has Stage 3 Metastatic Melanoma.
After his diagnosis in January, Larry began treatments to fight his cancer. The first treatment was a targeted therapy which had many harsh side effects, and, sadly, was an unsuccessful treatment. Larry has recently started immunotherapy, with the hopes of shrinking the tumour so that it will become operable. Once surgery is safe to perform, Larry will still have a long recovery ahead of him, with many challenges and life adjustments.
Since mid February, Larry has been unable to work as a railway Conductor at CP Rail in Kamloops, with no timeline of when he will be able to return to work. Larry has a long, challenging road ahead of him, which is why his friends, family and coworkers have created this fundraiser. We can help by easing his financial worries and burdens, so that he can focus all his energies on his fight against cancer.
Please join us by helping this brave, strong, hard working young man.