Help Launch the Saratoga Pinball Museum
Donation protected
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I'm opening a non-profit interactive Pinball Museum in historic Saratoga Springs, New York. This gofundme is to give those who want to contribute a way to help cover the legal expenses, as well as an initial round of funding to support operational costs associated with building a museum from the ground up. The Saratoga Pinball Museum will be opening later this year and like any nonprofit, relies on the support of the community. Yes, the Pinball machines will be playable!
To start off, ALL of the expenses since this passion project started several years ago have been out of my own pocket. I've bore the cost and taken the risks to build the pinball museum until reaching that critical point where My Dream becomes Your Reality.
A bit about me and why you should support the museum: I got my start in pinball when I was 19 after losing my dad in a car accident. I have been operating pinball machines, running arcades, repairing, restoring and collecting pinball machines for over 8 years now. My pinball business became serious in 2019, and by then I had been mentoring for several years under industry veterans to learn all the tricks of the trade before striking out on my own. The lessons learned were crucial to understanding and surviving in a dying industry in the modern era.
Covid happened, and my arcade endured 13 months of closures and ZERO income. The experience gained by working closely with industry veterans helped the arcade survive one of the most difficult financial strains ever experienced by modern American businesses. The arcade was weeks away from insolvency, but were able to quickly bounce back. Surviving for over a year with no income was no easy task.
I've been able to build a small team of like-minded individuals who want to help build the best museum we can make, and are willing to respect the knowledge distilled over many decades in this industry. I am NOT one of those pipe-dreamers who are going off half-cocked on a wing and a prayer, begging for the kindness of strangers to fund a ill-fated endeavor.
- Currently I have over 50+ pinball machines in my personal collection, roughly 35 of these will be out at the opening of the museum.
- These machines are already functional and several have already been restored.
- All of the repairs and maintenance will be handled by myself and several very skilled and knowledgeable local techs. No need to hire outside techs!
- The Museum does NOT need to use any money raised to buy pinball machines to stock the museum. I already have them, which saves hundreds of thousands right off the top.
- Prior experience running the Saratoga Silverball Pinball show since 2021.
I have a vision, a plan, some fine lawyers and a solid team. The only thing still needed... is your support! A museum is nothing without the support of its community. We plan to start with a small, yet practical pinball museum, and grow as long as the community continues to support us and our mission.
Thank you for reading!
Please donate to show your support for the Saratoga Pinball Museum!

Lonnie Pinball
Saratoga Springs, NY