Help Laura beat the beast (brain tumor)
Donation protected
Hvala svima vama, divnim ljudima, koji ste nesebicno donirali i molili se za nasu Lauru.
Sa ogromnom tugom u srcu vam pisem da je nasa Laura dobila svoja andjeoska krila i pridruzila se Isusu. Sada ona cuva svoju mamu i svog tatu kao sto su oni cuvali nju.
Borila sa kao prava velika lavica do samog kraja.
Spavaj mirno, Andjele. ️
Firstly, a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who have continued with their generous donations, prayers and well wishes
It is with deep sadness, I have to take to this group and bring the heartbreaking news, that our little Laura has now gained her wings to be with the angels .
Laura gave her all after her terrible diagnosis, she was fighting to the very end.
Laura is now at peace
Sleep well little angel
Good night and God bless
Na fotografiji je naša Laura. Vedra, vesela, razigrana i prekrasna djevojčica čiji se svijet okrenuo naglavačke u zadnjih 7 dana. Njoj je dijagnosticiran neoperabilni tumor na mozgu, prognoze nisu svijetle ali nada je tu. Ono što je sada čeka su lijekovi i terapija i traženje drugog mišljenja i terapije koja će je izliječiti. Samo lijekovi koštaju 200€ na tjedan, terapija je u Dublinu, a oni žive u središnjoj Irskoj tako da je i sam put u Dublin financijski pritisak. Osim trenutnih financijskih izdataka biti će tu i drugi izdaci za njeno liječenje. Molim sve koji mogu pomoći i najmanjom donacijom da pomognu da se skupi dovoljno za njeno liječenje i molite za njeno ozdravljenje
In the photo is our Laura. Cheerful, playful and beautiful girl whose world has turned upside down in the last 7 days. She was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, the prognosis is not bright but hope is there. What awaits her now are drugs and therapy and seeking a second opinion and therapy that will cure her. The drugs alone cost € 200 a week, the therapy is in Dublin, and they live in central Ireland so the trip to Dublin itself is a financial pressure. In addition to current financial expenses, there will be other expenses for her treatment. I ask everyone who can help with the smallest donation to help gather enough for her treatment and pray for her healing
Organizer and beneficiary
Lela Pula
County Longford, Longford
nives maul