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Help laying Brandon and Eddie to rest

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I woke up to some of the worse news this morning We lost a very special young man to Covid, He fought and fought till he could not fight any longer. Brandon was one of the greatest people anyone could ask for anyone that knew him loved him and with this happening so suddenly he didn’t have any insurance and just got the news today that Eddie has passed also and he did not have insurance  and the family is having a really hard time and really could use some help laying them to rest any and all help will be greatly appreciated no amount is to small and if you can not donate please lift the family up in your prayers in the days and weeks to come thanks in advance also his  Loren has included her paypal and Facebook information PayPal: [E-Mail ausgeblendet] or  @lorenpaigeh if you would like to donate 


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Randy N Mandi Perkins
Hindman, KY

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