Help Lily fight Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer
For those of you who know Lily, you know she is a beautiful, brave, strong and loving 13 year old daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend to many.
While camping in late July, Lily thought she had food stuck in her throat. Kristen, her mother, looked and saw a nodule by her tonsil. Lily was quickly seen by an ENT to get a biopsy and the results returned as Rhabdomyosarcoma of the throat, a very rare childhood cancer.
This coming week, Lily will undergo 3 episodes of general anesthesia. She will get an MRI with bilateral hip bone biopsies, she will have a port placed, PET scan/CT scan with an eventual G-tube placed. She will start chemo with a minimum of 6-9 months and possibly radiation as soon as possible.
Kristen, her mother, is an ER nurse at our local hospital and is now on a leave of absence.
I set up this gofundme page for Nick, Kristen, Jimmy and Lily to hopefully ease some financial burden on this journey no parent or person should ever have to experience. All contributions are greatly appreciated and will help to alleviate any financial burdens (medical expenses, travel, food, lost income) her loving parents incur during this devastating time.
If you are unable to donate, we greatly appreciate a prayer for Lily and her family during this time.
Thank you and God Bless!