Help Lily get life changing surgery!
Donation protected
Hi! My name is Ashley and I am Lily's mom. I am asking for your help in getting my incredible daughter to Spain for a life changing surgery!
Lily was born with a rare genetic mutation (FOXL2 gene which is responsible for providing instructions for making a protein that is active in the eyelids and ovaries). In turn, she has been diagnosed with BPES (Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome). Without getting into all of the science descriptions, long story short, she is unable to open her eyes with her eyelids normally. She lacks the muscle development that is used to open your eyes, blink, close, etc.
Lily had surgery when she was just 7 weeks old. Her surgery was called a "bilateral frontalis silicone sling" surgery. Her surgeon placed silicone bands in her eyelids and connected them to her eyebrow muscle (frontalis). The initial surgery was successful, but over time, she has grown and they have seemed to droop back down, making her field of vision smaller as time goes on. This can/will effect her overall development in more ways than one. Your depth perception, balance, and many other significant developmental stages are based off of your vision.
We have gotten a secondary consultation with an incredible surgeon based out of Spain named Dr. Ramon Medel Jimenez. He is the leading expert in corrective surgeries for BPES patients. He has helped patients from all over the world with incredible results. He is minimally invasive, uses no foreign materials, and has less risk of having to repeat surgeries in the future.
This is where we are needing your help. Insurance will not cover these procedures. This will be 100% out of pocket. We will be responsible for all surgery costs, travel expenses, and any accomodations.
Here is the last "catch" we are dealing with. Dr. Medel strongly advises that we get her surgery completed before she is 2. Her birthday is in February... so time is not on our side.
We have set the "goal amount" as a temporary number while we are waiting on the final quotes from Dr. Medel's team within the next few days. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please, share our story and help us get our little girl the surgery she needs!
Ashley Etherton
Independence, OR