Help little girl who lost her mum in tragic event
Donation protected
Hi Everyone,
This is an emergency appeal on behalf of Alesia, her daughter and her family in Portadown, County Armagh.
Tuesday night a tragic incident took place, where a young single 37 years old woman was murdered and the house set on fire. Emergency services arrived at the scene where they also found a 12-year-old girl, Alesia’s daughter who was taken to the hospital.
Alesia was a kind young woman who deeply loved her family, especially her daughter who is now left on her own, without her mother. She was always willing to help others in need.
We need your help, please.
We are asking for support to help with funeral costs and to help a young girl with special needs who lost everything, the most loved person in her life, due to this devastating event. The girl has been left with no single parent. Any donation big or small will help tremendously the family during this most difficult time.
Our hearts are with Alesia’s family and her daughter who is currently in hospital.
Thank you xx
Sveiki visi,
Skubus kreipimasis Alesios dukters ir šeimos vardu Portadowne, Armagh grafystėje.
Antradienio vakarą įvyko tragiškas incidentas, kai buvo nužudyta vienisa jauna 37 metų moteris ir padegtas namas. Greitosios pagalbos tarnybos atvyko į įvykio vietą, kur taip pat rado 12 metų mergaitę, Alesios dukrą, kuri buvo nuvežta į ligoninę.
Alesia buvo labia maloni jauna moteris, kuri labai mylėjo savo šeimą, ypač dukrą, kuri dabar liko viena, be mamos. Alesia visada buvo pasiruosusi padėti kitiems, kuriems reikia pagalbos.
Mums reikia jūsų pagalbos, prašau.
Prašome paramos, kad padėtume padengti laidotuvių išlaidas ir padėtume jaunai mergaitei, kuri dėl šio niokojančio įvykio prarado viską, mylimiausia žmogui savo gyvenime. Mergaite liko visai be teveliu. Bet kokia didelė ar maža auka labai padės šeimai šiuo sunkiausiu metu.
Labai ačiū visiems xx
Karolina Nazarova