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Help Longton Lane primary’s sensory corner

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Hi I’m fundraising for our children’s school they are amazing with all the children no matter their ability they strive to bring out their best self our motto is ‘believe and achieve’ all staff are dedicated to helping each and every child.I’m fundraising as Longton is not a SEN school despite having many children needing support in some way they don’t get financial help for vital equipment for a sensory corner needed to create a safe space for children to get away and take time out to reset or just to chill when things are getting  to much.
Many children will have lost someone close to COVID-19 and may need help dealing with these feelings after all they are only still babies,
the corner will be available to all pupils who need that getaway so your donation will go towards buying equipment to make this a quiet space full of sensory items to calm them,a safe space to talk about their worries or concerns a space to relax when it feels to much.
 we need to help them build strategies to go forward in their journey.
Thank you for reading if you’ve any questions please contact myself I’m a parent of an autistic boy who also has sensory processing disorder so I know how much a difference this corner will make for all children at Longton lane ,thank you.


Kerry Saunderson

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