Help Lorenzo pay bills and eat
Hi, my name is Lorenzo and I am fundraising to pay bills and be able to put food on the table, in June of 2020 I had spine surgery and the doctor told me I would be able to return to work 6 to 8 weeks after the surgery, but I wasn't able to return until December 23rd which was 6 months after the surgery. I had sick leave and vacation which ran out in early August. After returning to work I contracted covid 19 on January 19th, during the time that I was off from work with covid I found out that I needed a hip replacement, which I had done on February 9th. I have been going to physical therapy since July of 2020 until December. When I returned to work and then again for physical therapy February 23rd until the present. During the spine surgery there must have been some nerve damage, because it is very uncomfortable for me to wear shoes and socks on my feet and there is a terrible burning sensation in my feet. I have been referred to a pain doctor at Advanced Pain Medical Institute by the doctor that performed my hip surgery. The spine or back bone is connected to the hip so the physical therapy has since aggravated the back and the hip is still giving me problems, but doing better than the spine. The doctor at the pain institute has prescribed medicine for the feet which has calmed the burning but still uncomfortable for me to wear shoes and socks the doctors next suggestion is for me to have a spinalal cord stimulator put into my spine to help with the pain in my back and hopefully help with my feet, I am now waiting for approval from my insurance company to have the procedure done. Since both issues are still giving me problems it has caused a great deal of anxiety which is very hard to deal with on top of everything else, not knowing when I'm going to return to work and not being able to pay my bills. It takes everything in me to wear the shoes and socks for two hours to get my physical therapy done three times a week. My goal is to be back to work by September if everything goes well.
I am receiving 100.00 per week disability from my job, other than that I have not received any type of pay since August of 2020 and that is why I am asking for your help.
Thank you in advance
Lorenzo Duncan