Help Louise Recover From Her V-Injury
Donation protected
Hi, I've organised this on behalf of my sister, Louise.
Asking for help doesn't come easy for our family but I need to ask for help for her.
Asking for help doesn't come easy for our family but I need to ask for help for her.
Louise has been suffering daily since March 2021 when she received her 1st AZ covid dose. She had an immediate, significant reaction, experiencing a sensation of running water down her neck, blinding head pain and numb hands. The next day there was further loss of sensation in both arms and legs. This was followed by nausea, vomiting, nerve pain, raised blood pressure & pulse, fatigue, and circulatory problems with her hands and feet turning purple/blue.
Things got progressively worse; within a couple of months she was taken by ambulance with a suspected stroke, experiencing chest pain and severe leg tremors & numbness.
It’s been over a year since she had her injection, and we’d hoped Louise would have recovered by now. She’s had numerous A&E visits, GP telephone & face to face consultations, a hospital admission, private consultant appointments and many scans. She is in constant pain, and her nervous system is hypersensitive and in overdrive. She suffers from episodes where she loses her ability to communicate and walk. This has completely destroyed Louise’s life.
There has been no financial or medical support over this last year. A lawyer has informed us that only 1% of applications are successful in the government's compensation programme. As such, we’ve lost any reasonable hope of her being awarded anything.
Hospital referrals have previously been rejected; we are now waiting to see if the most recent referral will be accepted. Apparently there was a 3 month wait prior to covid and it’s now significantly longer. So far, Louise has been told she has POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), causing increased heart rate, which more than doubles on standing. She is undergoing investigations for triggered early menopause and is currently on multiple medications and supplements to stabilise her heart rate & treat her multiple neurological symptoms and pain. These supplements & medications have had limited success. She struggles on stairs at times, needs help with routine daily tasks and at worst, requires help with eating and drinking.
Testing is available in other countries, which could lead to possible treatment; however this costs hundreds, if not thousands of pounds. Louise hasn’t been able to work in the last year. All savings, and then some, have gone on private healthcare testing, consultations, and supplements to try to relieve symptoms rather than cure (as presently, there doesn’t seem to be one).
Recovery until this point has been through sheer determination, family support and care, along with lots of research on our behalf trying to find treatments. Louise has lost out on so much over the last year and is unable to live an independent life, which has also taken its toll. There is a real fear Louise will have severe lifelong autoimmune disorders due to this injury.
It’s been extremely distressing for all of us. She has struggled immensely but has come a long way from when she was bedridden every day. However, she’s largely housebound due to the ongoing symptoms, which persist and flare up significantly on a regular basis. She needs intensive treatments, which will allow her to return to work and more independent life.
She is currently waiting to hear if she will be accepted into a research trial. With any donations we hope to be in touch with a private consultant who has an intensive anti-inflammatory protocol that has been used with success in others in a similar situation; try hyperbaric oxygen therapy (which has had great success in patients); IV therapy; further MRIs and have an in-depth specialised blood panel that we can only get from Germany. We hope the results of these will help in getting the appropriate treatments. We cannot rely on the NHS to provide these specialist treatments.
She is currently waiting to hear if she will be accepted into a research trial. With any donations we hope to be in touch with a private consultant who has an intensive anti-inflammatory protocol that has been used with success in others in a similar situation; try hyperbaric oxygen therapy (which has had great success in patients); IV therapy; further MRIs and have an in-depth specialised blood panel that we can only get from Germany. We hope the results of these will help in getting the appropriate treatments. We cannot rely on the NHS to provide these specialist treatments.
Anything you can do to help Louise would be greatly appreciated.
Below is a list of the side effects Louise has experienced regularly, many of which she’s still dealing with daily:
Rapid & irregular heartbeat, which increases when sitting and further again on standing
High Blood Pressure
Slurred speech
Burning over arms & legs - this was all over her body at one stage
Pins & needles
Electric shock like pain
Face tingling, numbness & swelling
Myoclonic jolts
GI issues
Hearing issues
Visual disturbances
Sensitivity to light & sound
Internal & external tremors
Difficulty walking, unsteady on feet
Blue/purple hands & feet
Brain fog
Memory loss
Muscle spasms & twitches
Joint pain
Hair loss
Multiple ongoing histamine reactions
Any donations and shares would be appreciated very much. xx
Lauren Whiteford