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Help A Disabled Raleigh Local

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We opened Meraki Salon over a year ago. Choosing this location for the excellent natural lighting and great community spirit. Little did we know we would meet a gentleman that would touch our hearts. Meet LT, or as the locals call him "Pops". I met LT soon after we opened, seeing him walking by everyday I finally introduced myself.  LT would make the short walk to and from his apartment a couple blocks away from the salon to the local convenience store.   From that day forward we would routinely wave to each other or chat for a few moments. Till one day LT stopped walking by.  Several months went by, I was so worried about my dear friend. Then one day while working behind my chair I looked over and saw that beaming smile, it was LT! I ran outside and told him how worried I was that I hadn't seen him in awhile. Little did I know, due to an illness LT had to undergo an above the knee amputation.  Loosing a leg is such a difficult process to go thru but loosing a leg above the knee is even harder. LT struggles to make the trip to the convenience store due to the sidewalk incline and hazardous traffic. I've seen him get stuck on loose gravel , and he has trouble crossing the busy intersection.  Please help us reach our goal to purchase LT a new Electric Wheel Chair. It would make such a difference in this sweet mans life. One of the main goals for our business is to give back to our community by helping at local food banks, volunteering, and by giving back to this wonderful community. Helping LT is exactly what makes this business even more special to us. UPDATE!!! A donation from a Brother and Sister who recently lost their Father is donating a new electric wheelchair to LT! All go fund me donations will be withdrawn from Go Fund Me by Meraki Salon then given to LT for any personal items he needs. Any left over funds will go directly to him. What a huge relief this is for LT. We can not express our gratitude to all of you for raising these funds!


Meraki Salon
Raleigh, NC

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