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Help Lupita's Family During a Difficult Time

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I would like to start by saying we are praying for all the students involved in the Jefferson High School incident. Our hearts and prayers are with them.

This GoFundMe is for everybody that wants to help Lupita and her husband. She is the mom of one of the students who unfortunately right now is in very critical condition. Lupita is very hard-working, as many of you guys know. She does beautiful nails. Due to the situation, she had to close down her shop until further notice. Hopefully this fund will help the family for any upcoming financial hardships.

I would love for everybody to come together and help the family out in these hard times. Any donations and prayers would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brianda Lopez
El Paso, TX
Lupita Reyes

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