Help Lydia with lost income from hospitalization
Hey everyone!
I’m not one to normally do this but as most of you know it’s been a shocking, and hard week. I worked all last weekend training dogs at the best job ever. Woke up Tuesday feeling incredibly ill. Fed my animals, picked up up the house a little, and drove to my doctors office. After taking my vitals my doctor immediately called an ambulance because she was afraid I was having a heart attack. At the ER they took my blood only to discover my hemoglobin was a 5, normal in women is 12-15. My level was considered critical. Of course they started me on blood transfusions (I’ve had three and will most likely need more) and iron. They did an internal ultrasound and found a fibroid in my uterus. Not big enough to steal my blood like a vampire on on winter break, but also not helping the situation. My blood level is now a 9 and unless my test comes back with bad results, I should go home tomorrow. I am not out of the woods yet. I have to see my doctor to even get an estimate of when I can go back to work and what that will look like. I also have to have a d&c to check the fibroid for cancer. To say I’m scared and stressed is under statement. I say all of this to ask you for help. If I go back to work next week I’ll get a very small paycheck. I still will have to have surgery for the d&c, followed by what I hope to be a hysterectomy. I have a child and a zoo of misfits to support. We still have rent a truck payment, and board for the horses. A lot of you have asked how you can help and this it. Anything you can give on this gofund me is helpful and needed. Bills and expenses don’t stop because of illness. If you can’t give a dollar amount I could really use help with walking my dogs, caring for my small animals, and picking up my house. Meals are also appreciated as I don’t have the energy to cook and my beloved spouse has to be more than full time to pick up the slack. Any thing you can offer is so appreciated. Thanks for all the support you’ve already given.