Help Lyndsey with Covid-19 hospital bill
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My best friend Lyndsey Gough tested positive for Covid-19 on June 26th. She has been in the hospital since July 9th.
Lyndsey is one of the absolute best people and I am sure her medical bills will be steep once she is able to leave the hospital. Please help her how you can.
Here is her story she shared:
"For those who don’t know, I contracted COVID-19, I believe on June 20.
The next 3 days I felt very tired, and the 23rd I began having flu-like symptoms (body and muscle aches, chills), a cough, congestion, nausea, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite and eventually losing my sense of smell & taste. I also experienced waves of abdominal pain making it hard to get up or sit up/lay down. I nearly passed out taking my dog for a short walk.
I waited 4 hours and was finally able to get tested for free (my second test) on June 26 (I had been quarantined).
June 30 I got my results: positive.
I was mostly bedridden with minimal appetite and mild cough (never did have a fever or shortness of breath) until around the 4th or 5th of July and I started to feel better and get some normalcy back.
July 7, the abdominal pain came back- with a vengeance. Despite drinking lots fluids, rest, hot baths, & eating what I could, nothing provided relief. It was hard to move at all.
I called my PCP, who referred me to urgent care, and on July 9, they referred me to the emergency room.
July 9th I got to Candler’s ER and was given a lab work up and a CAT scan. After several hours, the doctor (a UK med school grad!) told me he was calling in the surgeon- my appendix needed to come out and SOON.
They tested me again for COVID-19, still positive, though I had done my recommended 2-week quarantine & then some.
My surgeon told me essentially, coronavirus had been like a “lightning strike” to my system. I now had appendicitis & it was very large. He would try to take it out with small incisions, but no promises. Before midnight July 9. I was off to surgery.
Fortunately, pre-op chest x-rays revealed no lung damage from coronavirus. A win.
Through all of this I was ALONE, mind you. COVID patients can’t have visitors. Behind-the-scenes I was arranging care for my dog (thanks to everyone who took care of her!!). I don’t do well with needles, blood- any of it, so this required some SERIOUS bravery on my part not to freak out (I cried once to my mom, can’t lie.)
My appendix, along with some kind of stone & part of my colon are gone. The appendix was larger than a baseball, I’m told. I have a wicked incision due to the complications that is stapled up. I had 1 IV and a tube up my nose. They’re worried about me getting pneumonia and blood clots.
Having surgery amid a pandemic is surreal. My surgeon told me if I wasn’t healthy, and this pain wasn’t so bad he wouldn’t operate on a COVID patient if he didn’t have to. My mask had to come off in the OR for oxygen & tubes, so they put my head in a clear box, sort of like what you may see a preemie baby in.
An angel OR nurse stroked my hair like my mom does until I went to sleep.
As the days have gone up, my oxygen got way down (I’m back on oxygen tubes).
It is correcting itself. Same for my low blood sugar & BP. The only temp. I’ve had has been post op and it was short lived.
I now have 2 IV’s. I get two shots in my stomach daily for blood clots. 6 finger sticks a day for blood sugar. Multiple blood draws for lab work. Vital checks every 2 hours.
I’m making progress, but still in lots of pain and am weak.
Masking is important . Social distancing & staying home is important. Hand wash. Sanitize. Also, just be kind.
COVID does NOT just affect the elderly. I’ve been sick every day since I turned 27.
I’ve had “just the flu” and it’s NOT that.
Death isn’t the only thing that quantifies this.
It’s been 3 weeks and I have no clear end in sight.
I don’t say this for pity, but for transparently and hopes that people will take it seriously & be safe.
Hopefully I’ll be back reporting before you know it.
Thank you to everyone who has sent a message, prayed, called, texted, sent positive vibes and thoughts, etc. or sent something to my home or room, or who dropped off food when that was still allowed for me. I don’t have family here in Savannah and that meant the world to me!
Scout is with my mom, for those concerned, and I am on the road to recovery with awesome nurses & doctors risking their lives each day.
I have done dozens of coronavirus-related stories, so I share this strictly for transparency and information. Not sympathy."
Lyndsey is one of the absolute best people and I am sure her medical bills will be steep once she is able to leave the hospital. Please help her how you can.
Here is her story she shared:
"For those who don’t know, I contracted COVID-19, I believe on June 20.
The next 3 days I felt very tired, and the 23rd I began having flu-like symptoms (body and muscle aches, chills), a cough, congestion, nausea, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite and eventually losing my sense of smell & taste. I also experienced waves of abdominal pain making it hard to get up or sit up/lay down. I nearly passed out taking my dog for a short walk.
I waited 4 hours and was finally able to get tested for free (my second test) on June 26 (I had been quarantined).
June 30 I got my results: positive.
I was mostly bedridden with minimal appetite and mild cough (never did have a fever or shortness of breath) until around the 4th or 5th of July and I started to feel better and get some normalcy back.
July 7, the abdominal pain came back- with a vengeance. Despite drinking lots fluids, rest, hot baths, & eating what I could, nothing provided relief. It was hard to move at all.
I called my PCP, who referred me to urgent care, and on July 9, they referred me to the emergency room.
July 9th I got to Candler’s ER and was given a lab work up and a CAT scan. After several hours, the doctor (a UK med school grad!) told me he was calling in the surgeon- my appendix needed to come out and SOON.
They tested me again for COVID-19, still positive, though I had done my recommended 2-week quarantine & then some.
My surgeon told me essentially, coronavirus had been like a “lightning strike” to my system. I now had appendicitis & it was very large. He would try to take it out with small incisions, but no promises. Before midnight July 9. I was off to surgery.
Fortunately, pre-op chest x-rays revealed no lung damage from coronavirus. A win.
Through all of this I was ALONE, mind you. COVID patients can’t have visitors. Behind-the-scenes I was arranging care for my dog (thanks to everyone who took care of her!!). I don’t do well with needles, blood- any of it, so this required some SERIOUS bravery on my part not to freak out (I cried once to my mom, can’t lie.)
My appendix, along with some kind of stone & part of my colon are gone. The appendix was larger than a baseball, I’m told. I have a wicked incision due to the complications that is stapled up. I had 1 IV and a tube up my nose. They’re worried about me getting pneumonia and blood clots.
Having surgery amid a pandemic is surreal. My surgeon told me if I wasn’t healthy, and this pain wasn’t so bad he wouldn’t operate on a COVID patient if he didn’t have to. My mask had to come off in the OR for oxygen & tubes, so they put my head in a clear box, sort of like what you may see a preemie baby in.
An angel OR nurse stroked my hair like my mom does until I went to sleep.
As the days have gone up, my oxygen got way down (I’m back on oxygen tubes).
It is correcting itself. Same for my low blood sugar & BP. The only temp. I’ve had has been post op and it was short lived.
I now have 2 IV’s. I get two shots in my stomach daily for blood clots. 6 finger sticks a day for blood sugar. Multiple blood draws for lab work. Vital checks every 2 hours.
I’m making progress, but still in lots of pain and am weak.
Masking is important . Social distancing & staying home is important. Hand wash. Sanitize. Also, just be kind.
COVID does NOT just affect the elderly. I’ve been sick every day since I turned 27.
I’ve had “just the flu” and it’s NOT that.
Death isn’t the only thing that quantifies this.
It’s been 3 weeks and I have no clear end in sight.
I don’t say this for pity, but for transparently and hopes that people will take it seriously & be safe.
Hopefully I’ll be back reporting before you know it.
Thank you to everyone who has sent a message, prayed, called, texted, sent positive vibes and thoughts, etc. or sent something to my home or room, or who dropped off food when that was still allowed for me. I don’t have family here in Savannah and that meant the world to me!
Scout is with my mom, for those concerned, and I am on the road to recovery with awesome nurses & doctors risking their lives each day.
I have done dozens of coronavirus-related stories, so I share this strictly for transparency and information. Not sympathy."
Organizer and beneficiary
Emily Kessinger
Port Wentworth, GA
Lyndsey Gough