Help Mads Pay Hospital Bills
Hi, my name is Jesse and I’m fundraising for my sweet, little sister in law, Mads.
We’ve all heard the saying, “be kind, for you never know what people are battling.” Truer words couldn’t be spoken in regards to Mads’ condition. One would never guess that someone so well put together, cheerful and always so on top of things would be going through such a debilitating health ordeal! Mads has a rare, and very severe case of Chron’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease that has infected her lower intestine to the point of needing an ileostomy, the surgical removal of part of the intestine.
Fortunately, after months and months of lengthy (and costly) hospital stays, Mads was finally able to get the procedure last Friday and everything went smoothly!
Mads and Josh are a hard working couple with three kids ranging from 18 months to 14 years old.
I am trying to help raise funds for the seemingly never-ending medical bills and a couple of months of missed wages, in hopes of helping them get back on their feet, financially speaking. Thank you for taking the time to read about Mads, thank you for your prayers and thank you for your consideration.