Help Make Christmas for Potato Bears
Donation protected
My name is Molly and I run the Cats of Yore social media accounts. As you can probably guess, cats are pretty important to me. Not just pictures of cats, all of the actual cats in the world and especially the most vulnerable stray and shelter cats. My own two beautiful cats, Fergus and Francie, have a virus called feline immunodeficiency virus. Cats with FIV are often overlooked at shelters and are at high risk for euthanasia due to misconceptions about the virus. In honor of Fergus, Francie, and all the other special needs cats in the world I would love to raise some money for our local shelter this Christmas.
The Humane Society of Chittenden County adopts out animals just like any other shelter, but that's not all. They provide housing and veterinary care for pets when their owners are undergoing personal crises like homelessness or domestic violence. They provide low cost spay/neuter services for community members and free spaying and neutering for feral TNR cases . They operate a low cost wellness clinic for pet owners in the community with limited income. They offer extensive services and counseling to try to prevent surrenders when possible. They have a Rainy Day Fund to help low income community members keep their pet when an expensive veterinary procedure is needed. And they treat their most vulnerable cats, like the seniors and FIV+ kitties, with the love and respect they deserve.
All of this and more are reasons why I'd love to raise some money for HSCC this holiday season! I'd be honored and overjoyed if you would consider pitching in. Truly, every little bit helps.

This fundraiser will run through December 25th, and as always we will contribute the amount that Go Fund Me takes out for fees so that the shelter gets the FULL amount donated. Proof that I have delivered the funds as promised will be posted to all social media platforms and a Go Fund Me update message here.

Thank you so much for reading! ❤️
Molly Hodgdon
Molly Hodgdon
Burlington, VT