Help Marcy the Hero Rat
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Shane Fox and I'm fundraising to get needed eye surgery for Marcy the Hero Rat. Marcy took up residence in a restaurant near my home and survived traps and the Orkin man for over a year. She was once someone's pet. She is now my pet. Surviving on the streets of my home town was not easy for her. She was attacked by a fox, but fought him off bravely. She came out of the fight with a bad eye wound. I have given her a new home, a warm place to sleep. But she needs to have her eye removed. The risk of infection is great, and it may kill her if she is not cared for. I saved her life and now I am responsible for her, but the vet bills are more than I can handle. Some people think I'm crazy for caring so much for a rat, but she is a smart little rodent to have survived. She knows her name and comes when she is called. I can't just put her down, like so many people have suggested. With surgery, she can have a good life in a good home. I am not asking for a lot of money. Just enough to cover the necessary surgery and some needed supplies to assure a happy life in a warm home. Thank you for your consideration and your help if you can donate.
Two things happened that made me raise my goal. First, it's way more expensive to have this surgery than I had estimated. Second, Narcy got an infection before surgery and needs some super antibiotics before she can have the surgery, Her surgery is scheduled for Monday, Labor day, Sept 4th. I will take down the fundraiser after her surgery even though she will have follow-up appointments, which will just add to the expense of her health care. Thank you all for your help. I now I won't have to borrow to get her better.
Shane Fox
Cape Vincent, NY