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Help Maria Recover From Her Stroke

Spende geschützt
My Best Friend Maria Cecilia Cruz, a Daughter, a Sisiter, a Mother, suffered a severe stroke which left her without the voice that brought her family and loved ones joy. Knowing her for more than 30 years, the impact of this unfortunate incident left her a long journey to be the person she once was. Her selfless and civi-minded persona embodied the epitome of a hard working and loving mother of two children (13 and 16 years old). Maria always felt the desire, more than the obligation, to ensure that the people surrounding her felt loved and supported during difficult times. I created this fundraiser to assuage the burden brought upon by medical and rehabilatory expenses. Her family, in full support and dedication to their caring daughter, already took the first step to help Maria Cecilia in such journey, by leaving their hometown and job. Because if this I hope her situation impacts you the way it did her life, and encourages you to donate.


  • Roberto Trombetta
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Maday Aulet
Doral, FL
Debbie Loucel

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