Help Maria Rodriguez make history!
Maria Rodriguez dreams of going to college - she would be the first in her large family of eight siblings to get a university education. She's also broken school athletic records at Immokalee High School, and now Broward College has signed her to play soccer for them! But as a DREAMER originally from Mexico, Maria can't use federal student loans to cover the cost of her education. Nor can she qualify for most scholarships despite her 3.9 GPA. Her father has been working in the tomato fields all of her life, and her mother sells lunch plates to the farmworkers.
After all her hard work and athletic potential, we won't let Maria's dream of going to college die. She carries the dreams of her family and her entire community with her. Immokalee is fighting for her, will you join us? This is just the beginning of her journey. Help us make Maria's dream come true so she can keep making history!
Donations will go towards school expenses. Thank you for your support!
Check out the news article below featuring Maria signing a letter of intent to play college soccer!