Stand with Veteran Mark Hubert on His Road to Recovery
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Support for Mark Hubert
Desert Storm Veteran
Mark needs our support. He has been a truck driver for the last 20+ years until he experienced a stroke last fall that affected his entire right side. He has had both Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy but has been struggling to make improvements. He has lymphedema in both legs that causes painful swelling. Now his left hip is failing him and he needs hip replacement surgery. High blood pressure problems may delay this needed surgery.
He has been unable to work since then and as a result has gone through all his savings. Without income, paying his mortgage and bills until he is able to go back to work is going to be difficult.
Please consider helping Mark as he continues to work through this difficult road to recovery. I am creating this GoFundMe to assist him during this time. Any funds raised through this effort will go toward covering his living expenses and any out of pocket medical expenses. No donation is too small. We would greatly appreciate anything you can share. Your prayers and support are always welcome. Please share and forward to your friends and family.
With sincere appreciation, Mark's sister Jodi Sue.
Jodi Sperling
Vancouver, WA