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Help Martin Charlot & His Children through this tragic time.

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Help Martin Charlot and his family with medical and funeral expenses.

Many of you know my father Martin Charlot for his murals in Hawaii and Southern California and his unique, colorful personality. I know him as Dad: funny, both sophisticated and childlike, spiritual, irreverent, always supportive, and most of all - loving.

Martin has had a number of health struggles over the years. When spinal meningitis put him in a wheelchair, I saw a side of him I’d never seen before: an inner strength, unflinching courage, a refusal to complain or be victimized by physical circumstances, and his incredible love of life. All life. I’ll never forget him yelling to stop his wheelchair because there was a worm in our way.

Unfortunately, in late June, he met his match with a bed sore that became infected with a flesh-eating bacterium. The doctors have given my father several weeks to live.

He’s faced this news and his intense ongoing pain, with inspiring spirituality and uncomplaining courage. On the 12th of August, the hospital (without our permission) discharged him into an expensive long-term facility that’s not covered by his insurance.

Because of all this, we his children, are reaching out to his family, friends, admirers, the community, and anyone inspired by his story. Any help you can give, for his upcoming funeral, and outstanding medical and care expenses would be greatly appreciated. Losing our father will leave an indescribable void in all our lives. The world truly will not be the same without him.

Although money cannot ease this pain, your support on any level will help take some of the financial weight and stress off our family as we navigate this difficult time. It’s also a way of honoring our father Martin Charlot’s life.

We deeply thank you for your kindness and your support in honoring him. Please share with anyone you think would be interested or want to know what’s going on with Martin. Aloha.

I's sad to announce that Martin Charlot passed on October 2nd. He moved on the way he wanted: holding his children’s hands and being surrounded by friendship and most of all - love.

Celebrations of Life will be held on October 19 at his home in Pahoa and on October 26 at the family home in Kahala. Family, friends (old and new) neighbors and colleagues are most welcome.
Please RSVP to [E-Mail ausgeblendet].



Kawena Charlot
Pahoa, HI

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