Help Mat Kowalski
Our dear friend and Local52 Brother is in need of your help. After ten years of leading all the movies that nobody else wanted to work on, he was diagnosed with severe degenerative disk disease and multiple herniations along his spine. He requires two surgeries, one of which is very extensive in his mid back. He has no longer been able to work in our industry, and as a result has had no income other than some short term disability or minor relief funds provided by our union. He is in the process of figuring out a new path, including how to retain his health insurance - his COBRA was thankfully renewed for another few months. Unfortunately many treatments that are helpful to Mat are not covered by insurance. Please help him find a way to move forward and support his wife and two lovely daughters, and to receive the therapies that provide some relief from his pain. Any little bit will help.
Thank you for your attention.
Hank Liebeskind