Help Matilda Nordling get her life back
Hello, my name is Matilda Nordling, 26 years old living in Sweden, Lidköping.
Since 2007 I had a life-threatening neck injury because of an accident in the gymnastic on high school. I do now and bagging on my knees fore found raising because of more operations because they have been finding a big thrombus on my right side of my neck that block veins going down to the neck and back. It also infect that my brain is getting svullen. It makes that the shoulder gets rotated forward and the right side iof the back muscles and also A LOT OF PAIN in the BRAIN; NECK; EYES; at the same time. So I'm laying like a kolli in the bad and sofa.
April the 2th I will do a new control in Barcelona and maybe a new operation in Barcelona because the specialist that can handle this injuries don't exist in Sweden, The two first operations payed the Swedish Hospital because I was at the hospital in 9 week and they saw that I was ying in bed of death and had 1-3 weeks more in life. My head didn't attach it to the shell base.
Now the state doesn’t pay for me because they don't think its a problem to have a thrombus that makes the brain svullen and loos of blod to the right side of muscles. BUT the must important, IF I DON't do this operation when the thrombus are I am going to be total blind, like I am now and nothing is going to be better, just worst. Im eating blod thinner medicines. NowI have to pay all on my own , 60.000€
I’m just selling my apartment to find money to do the operation when they are ready and when the throne bow has been melting like a April 2 I will do a new control and maybe a new operation in by the salon that where I did my other two operations dart and the Swedish hospital and state doesn’t pay for me so I have to pay down my own dart I’m just selling my apartment to find money to do the operation when they are ready and when the throne bowel has disappears so much so they can stabilize the veins which a like, plastic root.
The first operation in Barcelona . They operated the skull down to T2.
After that they operated bone that was blocking veines on the right side of my neck that this veines are now the problem because it’s a thrombus there now so that means the pain spread to my neck and brain that I see now 10% on my left eye and blind on my right I doubt they think it is because of the swollen brain and also from the thrombus.
After the first surgery the neck pain disappeared but it's back because the thrombus spreading pain.
I will be so great full if I could get som help so I have a life again...
Matilda Nordling