Help Matt and Carrie with financial burdens
A year ago, Carrie fell sick with pneumonia and was put on medical leave from her job. The constant (and horrible) chest cough and weekly fevers never abated despite her having met with numerous specialists e.g. an allergist, pulmonologist, infectious disease specialist. Her lethargy, brain fog, and memory issues have worsened.
In August, a rheumatologist diagnosed Carrie with Lupus, which, while not explaining all her current symptoms, answered many of the medical mysteries she'd suffered with since puberty. She is being treated for several issues, including recent cardiac anomalies, and hopes to qualify for newer treatments.
She is still unable to return to work. However, she seeks new forms of income even while maintaining her Etsy store and online writing. Currently, she's in the appeals process for disability insurance (a lengthy, bureaucratic nightmare).
Matt has struggled with chronic illness for over a decade. He has worked with numerous doctors and surgeons to improve his health so he can again hold down a job. There has been improvement and vital discoveries, thanks to 10 operations in 15 years. He will be having an important neuro-surgery on May 12th.
The immediate financial needs include:
Bi-annual insurance payment (currently overdue)
Annual renters insurance (due by the end of April)
Monthly rent payments until they can get back on their feet
Monthly bills (currently a couple months overdue)
New glasses for Carrie (current ones are broken)
Dental (not covered by Medicaid), primarily for Carrie's cracked tooth
Financial planning for Matt's upcoming surgery on May 12th